Нүүр: 10 нүүр
Хавтас: Даавуу
Хэмжээ: 16 x 3 x 15 cm
Нас: 0-12 сар
Package includes: 1 x animal tail cloth book toy
Baby soft fabric book contains 8 cute animals, featuring a gray color scheme and adorable illustrations. The Cover & Back Cover pages Rustling sound and Colourful images catch baby's attention, exercise early shape and color recognition skills, stimulate imagination and promote their intellectual development.
Safe and reliable BPA-free polyester materials ,feature on no smell ,non-toxic, skin friendly, soft edges and tear-resistant. This toddler toy book is completely safe for 0-12 months newborns, infants, babies, and children at all ages.
Ашиглан 4 хуваан төлөх боломжтой